Sabbatical Week 3 recap: Sunday 9/29/2019

Sunday 9/29/2019 4:20 pm -- I'm at the halfway point of my sabbatical, and have realized that the past three weeks has been heavily focused on just three areas: writing, fitness, and getting my LinkedIn profile squared away. I also managed to pursue lots of other goals that would best be described as either general quality of life improvements, or silly things that don't belong to a category. Below is a list of some of the various things that I think are pretty cool.

Stuff I've done that makes me happy

  • Seriously reduced my back pain
  • Sat in my favorite chair for long periods of time
  • Recommitted to eating 4-5 meals a day + several snacks + lots of applies + a multi-vitamin
  • Uninstalled the news app from my phone, and removed as many alerts as possible
  • Grew out my mohawk
  • Set up a personal AWS account for experimentation
  • Set up Screentime limits on my daughters' phones
  • Clipped the dangling spoke off my rear bike wheel
  • Cleaned the rooftop gutter trap
  • Made biscuits and pancakes on several occasions
  • Made 6 pounds of Korean ribs one afternoon, and ate them all myself
  • Deep-cleaned the bbq grill
  • Requested an estimate from a sound proofer
  • Canceled all of our unnecessary monthly bills 
  • Unsubscribed from several stupid email notifications
  • Transferred all our family videos and photos on Amazon Photos
  • Posted 8 short shorts as blog posts, many of which have undergone small rewrites
  • Spoke with various people about my story idea, enough to have finally worked out what it's going to be about
  • Selected a primary care physician, and arranged for a full medical check-up
  • Wrote 5 LinkedIn recommendations, and received 2 recommendations
  • Joined Toastmasters, and successfully handled being in the hot seat during "Table Topics"
  • Attended jiu jitsu at least 3 times a week, and have worked especially closely with a few of the brown and purple belts during randori 
  • Increased my forward planche lean tilt to 35ยบ
  • Did an arm-only 15 foot rope climb with 20lbs attached
  • Established a baseline of strength for my primary lifts (deadlift, military press, weighted chin-up, bench press)
  • Ratcheted up my weekly running mileage to > 20 miles
  • Arranged visits with my dad and my sister
  • Completed enough coop shifts so I don't have to work again until March
  • Agreed to do an interview with a prominent online tech publication 

Key Insight 

The things that increase my happiness the most are very simple: 
  • Writing, and having periods of solitude + boredom
  • Being able to exercise (without pain) as much as I want in 4 categories: jiu jitsu, weights, gymnastics, running
  • Helping my daughters with their homework whenever they need help
